The hoof is first trimmed, rasped flat and balanced as required. Please do not pare the sole. It is the horse’s natural stone protection. Note: Professional farrier services or expertise are highly recommended. |
The hoof is wire or stiff bristle brushed and thoroughly cleaned. |

A few beads of Hoof Armor formula are applied (sparingly) over the desired areas. Hoof Armor can be used on the hoof walls, sole, frog, heel bulbs and up onto the dorsal surface about one-quarter to one-half inch. |

The Hoof Armor bead is spread so that it’s evenly applied in a THIN layer which cures to the bottom of the hoof. The Coating should appear like a thin varnish coat. Hoof Armor can be applied to White Line separations and the collateral grove for infection prevention. |

Talcum Powder If applying Hoof Armor to a horse standing on concrete floors or rubber mats, the hoof should be liberally sprinkled with talcum powder, after Hoof Armor is applied, but before placing the hoof down. This will prevent Hoof Armor from smearing on any hard surface before it can cure completely. Talcum is used because it is slippery and will create a protective barrier between the Hoof Armor and the hard surface. If applying in a soil or sandy location the hoof can just be placed down. |